Grief-stricken family members of Subhayan Das, Tanumay Tewari, Bikash Makal, Richard Mandal and Sourav Ghosh were in tears as they received the coffins that reached the city in two flights on Monday.
Tanumay Tewari’s body reaches his Nepalgunj home and a local pays respects to Subhayan Das in Kalighat
While Das is from Kalighat, the rest are from Nepalgunj. October 14 was the last time the family members were able to communicate with them. The bodies were spotted on October 22.
While the heady intoxication of trudging through the Himalayas was what drew these men time and again. Das’ family members had urged him to take a break as he was scheduled to get married next year. “Trekking, like any adventure sport, involves risk. We had pleaded with Subhayan to desist from going on the trek this time. But he shrugged off our fears and went all the same. I guess, this was his fate,” said his brother Subhojit.
Laboni Majhi, wife of trekker Sukhen Majhi who is still missing in the mountains, was torn between grief for her nephew Tanumay whose body reached the city and uncertainty over her husband’s fate. “For the rest, there is a closure. But for me, I don’t even know what is in store. There is also a possibility that his body may never be found,” said Laboni, breaking into sobs.
Bandana Makal, a college student and sister of Bikash, said the loss of her brother had plunged the entire family into financial difficulty. “He was the family bread-earner. I don’t know whether I will be able to fund my college studies but I know I have to start earning soon,” she said.
Nearly all the men who have died provided the financial bedrock on which their families depended. Bishnupur MLA and minister of state for transport Dilip Mondal, who visited the families, said he would try to extend whatever help possible to the families. “They were brave men pursuing their passion. We are proud of them,” he said.
Bishnupur-I BDO Subir Kumar Dandapat, who was at the airport to facilitate the transport of the bodies, said the government had been in touch with the families all through the difficult phase and would continue to offer support.