Kolkata: Drainage approval must for buildings sanction along EM Bypass – Times of India

Kolkata News
KOLKATA: Following the recent flooding, Kolkata Municipal Corporation buildings department — by taking advantage of a tweak in building rules — has decided not to sanction any high-rise or residential project along the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass without a nod from the drainage department.
Though this rule will also be applicable for construction of housing projects in the city proper, the civic body has decided to keep a special vigil on areas off Bypass, including Nayabad, Mukundapur and Panchasayar, and other added areas such as Behala and Joka.

Vast stretches along the EM Bypass have hardly any drainage infrastructure, a perennial problem that often inundates areas such as Mukundapur, Nayabad, Panchasayar, Madurdaha and parts of Patuli. Similarly, stretches of Joka and Behala are no exception where storm water remained stagnant for more than 72 hours.
After getting to know about the tough conditions of residents of some stretches off Bypass, the chairman of the KMC Board of Administrators, Firhad Hakim, took up the matter with the civic drainage department officials. After much deliberations, it was decided that in case of fresh sanction of building plans for a specific area located off EM Bypass, the civic body’s buildings department, henceforth, will refer the matter to the drainage department engineers. The latter will first inspect the site to decide whether the locality is equipped to handle additional load before giving a go-ahead to the buildings department.
Hakim on Saturday said construction of high-rises or large housing projects along the vast stretches off Bypass has done much damage to the drainage network by concretizing hundreds of acres of land that played an important role in offering a natural drainage network to the residents.
“Now, we will strictly check whether construction of a high-rise or a complex can be allowed in a particular neighbourhood along Bypass or in Behala depending on its drainage capacity. This will prevent a deterioration in the flood management system of these areas where real estate is growing like anything,” said a KMC buildings department official.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/drainage-approval-must-for-bldg-sanction-along-bypass/articleshow/86516240.cms