KOLKATA: Hundreds of students of Calcutta University-affiliated colleges heaved a sigh of relief on Thursday, when the university officials announced that the question patterns for final BA and BSc exams would remain more or less similar to what they were used to even though the modalities might have had to undergo a drastic change to adjust to the new normal in the pandemic. While question papers for BA and BSc have already been set, that of BCom is yet to be framed.
“We have already prepared the question papers as the final exams for BA and BSc were slated for April. Though exams were not held, the question papers have been kept. Candidates will take the exam on the same set. Students from arts and science should not worry about any change in question patterns,” said a CU official. For the terminal-semester commerce exams, the official added, “The UG Board of Studies and then, the Commerce Faculty Council will determine the type of questions and format of the question papers for the final semester commerce exam.”
Also, allaying the apprehension among final-year/semester candidates over accessing the question papers digitally, CU has given the go-ahead to its colleges to upload the questions on their respective websites at the scheduled beginning the exams to be held between October 1 and 18. The time-table for the UG as well as PG exams will be published by the university. According to a teacher, students will mainly be assessed on their concept of the subjects, knowledge and understanding of the topics. The university has also sought the email IDs and Whatsapp numbers of individual college heads on Thursday.
Principal of Lady Brabourne College Siuli Sarkar said, “We have been informed that an exam timetable will be released by CU, . Question papers will be sent to college principals in digital mode an hour before the exam starts. The principals will forward them to the respective heads of the departments who will then, at the time of beginning the exam, send it to students online. From the time of them receiving question papers, students will be given a day to send their answer scripts to the respective heads digitally.” Sarkar added the university had allowed colleges to upload questions on their portals at the time of the exam so that it can be accessed by maximum students. If an HoD head is absent, a departmental teacher will distribute the question papers.
For candidates with no internet access, their parents could also submit the answer scripts in person but they would have to carry an authorization letter from the students, said a CU official.
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/education/news/no-change-in-cu-question-pattern-despite-exam-tweak/articleshow/77920044.cms