Amid the novel coronavirus lockdown, the Kolkata Police shared a meme from legendary actor Uttam Kumar’s 1963 Bengali film Deya Neya to warn violators. The graphic that Kolkata Police shared is from a scene of the Sunil Bannerjee-directed film and features Uttam Kumar and Kamal Mitra.
The dialogue between the two actors from Deya Neya in the graphic has been altered slightly to convey a message to the lockdown violators.
“You are trying to say that if I step out during the lockdown for something other than emergency work, Kolkata Police will sound me off?” Uttam Kumar’s character says in the meme in Bengali. Pat comes Kamal Mitra’s BK Roy’s response as he says, “I am not trying to say it. I am saying it.”
In the caption for their post, Kolkata Police used several hashtags such as “#StayHomeStaySafe #StayHomeSavesLives #Lockdown #WeCareWeDare #Fightcorona”.
See Kolkata Police’s post here:
— Kolkata Police (@KolkataPolice) April 13, 2020
Uttam Kumar, a celebrated superstar in Bengal, is the star of films Saptapadi, Nayak, Stree and Amanush. He is popularly known as ‘Mahanayak’ and is the recipient of several accolades including the National Film Award for Best Actor. Uttam Kumar died in 1980 at the age of 53.
Meanwhile, Kolkata Police’s tweet garnered a big round of applause on the internet and has been frequently circulated across social media as well. “Absolutely right,” a user said in the comments section while several others praised Kolkata Police for their creative post.
See the comments on the post here:
Now KP has also stared to add humor in their tweets like other states forces.
Greta initiative to keep people involved
— Durga Pratap Singh (@singhdp1995) April 13, 2020
Ghar mein rahiye safe rahiye
— Natasa Saraf (@SarafNatasa) April 13, 2020
Lovely…we are with you KP..
— SOUMYA S MUKHERJEE (@soumyasm18) April 13, 2020
Absolutly right sir
— Raj Mukherjee (@Raj86893994) April 13, 2020
Great idea
— Shuvam (@shuvam3004) April 13, 2020
Always Kolkata Police I love you Great work
— Md wasim (@Mdwasim94099492) April 13, 2020
— Ramendra Nath Ray (@RamendraNathRay) April 13, 2020
Around 10 days ago, Kolkata Police made headlines for spreading cheer at a residential area near Gariahat in the West Bengal capital amid the lockdown. Police officials on duty sang their own rendition of filmmaker-musician Anjan Dutta’s iconic song Bela Bose with a coronavirus twist. At the other end of the city, cops crooned We Shall Overcome to motivate citizens.
West Bengal, so far, has recorded over 100 novel coronavirus cases while over five people have died due to Covid-19 in the state. In India, the total number of novel coronavirus cases has crossed 9,000 while the death toll has surged past 300.
ALSO READ: Kolkata Police gives iconic song Bela Bose a coronavirus twist in roadside concert. Viral video
ALSO WATCH: PM Modi’s full address to the nation on battling coronavirus