KOLKATA: In the second confirmed Covid-19 positive case in Bengal, a student who returned from UK on March 13 has tested positive at ICMR-NICED early Friday. The student was in isolation in his Ballygunje home and was admitted to Beliaghata Infectious Diseases (ID) hospital on Wednesday morning. Initially asymptomatic, he showed signs of cough, cold and mild breathlessness on Thursday prompting his blood-and-swab sample test which results showed Covid-19 positive little after midnight.
According to sources, the student had returned to Kolkata from London via Delhi. Nothing was detected in the airport thermal screening. However, he was advised home isolation. But after his parents learnt that Bengal’s first Covid-19 positive case had also returned from London, they sought advice from the hospital authorities. It was checked and found that the two friends of the Kolkata student had tested positive for Covid-19 upon their return to India from UK. One of them is in Chattisgarh and another in Punjab. Learning this, the parents – advised by the Bengal government – admitted him to the Beligahata ID hospital on Wednesday. He did not show any outward symptoms on Wednesday. However, on Thursday, he complained of unease prompting the tests.
The hospital sources said his parents, grand-parents, extended family who had been to his home has been advised immediate home isolation. “We are keeping watch, if necessary they will be quarantined at the Rajarhat facility,” an official said.
Bengal’s first Covid-19 students is an Oxford University mathematic undergraduate who returned to Kolkata via Abu Dhabi on Sunday. His mother, a senior state bureaucrat, his father, a child specialist, the two family drivers and two household maids, have all tested negative for Covid-19 but have been kept in a New Town quarantine facility.
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/bengals-second-covid-19-positive-case-detected/articleshow/74724846.cms